Wednesday, 1 March 2017
The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd 2017 Page 5 of 5 Question 5 (Marks: 5) Digital Rights and Responsibilities There has been an exponential increase in the usage of smart phones in the last decade. Some students now use smart phones to cheat on tests and assignments. Develop an Acceptable Use Policy concerning the use of smart phones for the Independent Institute of Education to be implemented at the various campuses
with the 21st century , technology as become more develop and it is used almost for everything, in restaurant, at home and it has been introduced in school, colleges. students are now allow to use smartphones in classroom, for homework etc. one of a college where by students are allow to do so is the Independent Institute of education (IIE). Even it has been allow, student need to wisely and responsibly. view the fact that mobile learning has become very popular lately.student need to use it nicely and wisely as they always say, there is time for everything. School need to set certain rule about the use of smartphone in class. smartphone can be addictive sometimes , so student need to use them if their lecture allow them to do so, for some research or homework. while teaching (lecture) student s are not allow to use smartphones, they have to listen to the lecture because it can be a distraction for students. They must be discipline. Colleges need to be very severe. allowing smartphone in class can be an advantage and disadvatange for student and lecture at the same time (
Question 4 (Marks: 15) Digital Etiquette Use your cell phone to create a short video for tertiary students on the importance of netiquette and why it is important. Discuss the role it plays in all aspects of our lives. Upload the video on to your blog. Hint: cover Virginia Shea’s netiquette guidelines and examples of bad etiquette. (15)
Question 3 (Marks: 10) Digital Communication “Big data and advanced analytics, the Internet of Things, digital modelling, additive manufacturing, and computer integrated manufacturing. Industry 4.0 not only embraces each of these – and more - but combines them together in order to make a whole that is vastly greater than the sum of its parts”. Discuss the Internet of Things and how it will affect businesses in South Africa. Identify a sector in the industry and detail how it will be impacted. Hint: Be very creative, take a moment and traverse into the future to envisage how life will evolve when everything becomes connected
The internet can affect the business in many way , in a positive and negative ways. it can affect your business in a positive way such nowadays companies use tracking system for inventory management. when all your equipment, devices etc (in a company) are integrated into the same network, inventory tracking and management become so intuitive. update will be made instantly. it will help you to track of even more number, you will learn about your customer behavior, and your employees and how they work. with the internet everything will be faster, since interconnection could include everything from traffic light to transportation. you will have a quick service and customer will demand quicker and they will expect the service to be fast due to it standards. energy and production will be cheaper. the bottom line is you will expend less money to produce more inventory and most of your cost will likely decrease. Device management may become nightmarishly complex which can lead you having hard time keeping all your integrated device updated with the latest software and connected to the network, despite all of that the benefit of increasing productivity and reduce labor cost should balance this out. productivity will increase, as a general rule , your business will be able to operate productively with less expenses. some industry will disappear or radically change due to the introduction of technology (the internet) in companies. Many entrepreneur will struggle especially those from disadvantage background, it will be hard for them to compete in a global economy if their expose to technology. some of them technology is something new to them they have a long way to learn and to allow themselves to introduce technology into their business (DIGC5510Manual page 31,
Q.2.3 Provide a few tips on how one can manage their digital footprint?
How to manage you digital footprint , how to manage the record or trail left by the thing you do online. people need to know how to manage their digital footprint. rule number one people need to use private setting, people need to keep the list of accounts which simply mean that delete the one you no longer use ( accounts). avoid to overshare. people need to be quiet about certain thing about their life that it is not necessary for the media. they don't need to share it other. people need to use password keeper, this is more of a security thing, that you can remember easily. sometimes as a security measure you have to google yourself, just to check you may be surprise about what you find about yourself. Monitary linking and the use of a second website may be the safest measure for your account security. you don't need 12 email address to keep manageable. sending a message or sharing a picture it's like doing it forever, the internet never forget. people need to understand that searching is forever. people need to use digital tools to manage their footprint (
Q.2.2 Digital footprints can be construed as trails that digital citizens leave online. Do you think that digital footprints could become a problem? Discuss
Digital footprint is a word used in internet to describe the trail, traces or footprint that people leave online. these are information transmitted on the internet such as email, videos, pictures...etc. Our Digital footprint can be a problem. it reflect who we are , and can have a negative or positive impact on someone life. Digital footprint create our online reputation that ca be access by others. Anyone complete strangers can tell everything about you via your digital footprint, for example the trail that you leave behind after sharing a video or a picture..etc. what you update or post , actually reflect what you are or what you look like according of those who have access of it. all the information that you share online can hurt you or help you, especially your personal life. That when it becomes a problem. there are some people over the years , they change, some into positive and other into negativity. for those who change into positive, if their online footprint reflect an negative side of them, it ca have a serious impact into their professional life, personal life, it can hurt them. there is nothing wrong with posting pictures, or sharing some videos, but people need to be very careful of what they post or share and carefull of everything that they expose to the public.
Q.2.1 Unemployment between the ages of 15 and 24 has reached a staggering 71 million (ILO, 2016). Solution fluency is a guided problem solving framework that consists of six D’s. Use the solution fluency process to solve unemployment problems in your area. Provide a brief background of your area and how you intend to tackle this problem.
technology is changing rapidly.the use of technology is highly recommended these day. we need to use thee five fluency in order to solve the unemployment problem that is affecting most of countries. i'm from a developing country in central Africa where the unemployment rate is very high. in term of technology they are behind of most of he countries. the government is more focus of theory than practice in term of education. not everybody has computer and internet available for them. in order to solve this problem ,it will advisable to make technology available for everybody to keep on updating student of what came out new.(technology),the department of education need to introduce the five fluency principle of digital citizenship: which are solution fluency, information fluency, media fluency, collaboration fluency and creativity fluency.
Q.1.3 Organisations such as Facebook, Airbnb and Uber have harnessed social capital to grow their market shares and become major disruptive forces in their industries. Define and explain how a digital citizen can build and enhance social capital.
social capital build a sense of belonging, diversity,network bonding, feeling of trust and safety, reciprocity, participation, citizen power,value norm. social capital is the collective value all social network( who people know) and the inclinations that arise from these network to do things for each other( norm reciprocity). social capital is about specific benefit that are achieved from the use of social networks. by using networks( Facebook..) digital citizenship is building social capital and it is increasing social and communication skills. it is also growing the general digital literacy, psychological well being as we fell respected and connected through engagement with others.
Q.1.2 Facebook in a quest to mitigate the effects of infrastructure and the digital divide have launched Project Aquila. The problem of infrastructure is prevalent in Africa. Discuss the implication of all the different forms of the digital divide.
The problem of infrastructure is prevalent in Africa because most of African countries are developing countries. developed countries have a far grater penetration of appropriate and up to date infrastructure than that for developing countries. quite simply it is the infrastructure of developing countries that often impedes the broad range of access in addition to Socio-economic factors. For example south Africa's poor electricity infrastructure that is under such extreme pressure that rolling blackout are experience.
Q.1.1 Ribble (2011) identifies nine elements that make up digital citizenship, encompassing the issue of the use, abuse and misuse of technology. Briefly discuss these nine elements .
The nine elements of digital citizenship are: digital access, digital literacy, digital rights and responsibilities, digital commerce, digital etiquette, digital health and wellness,digital communication,digital law and digital security. technology is changing at a rapid rate, it is part of our daily life, so people need to discipline themselves on how to use technology (Digc manual)
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